Saturday, September 03, 2011

2011-08 Camping Trip - Central Oregon Bisection: The Third Batch

Mostly, this update is to the family photos on Facebook, where I've added the John Day Fossil Beds from Day Three, one or two from Day Four (a travel day more than a sightseeing day), and from Joseph and Wallowa Lake on the morning of Day Four.  A few shots have also trickled up into the Picasa album, but not that many.  Been busy with other things but I'll get them done.  Eventually...

The scenic photos on Picasa:
2011-08 Camping Trip - Central Oregon Bisection

2011-08 Camping Trip - Central Oregon Bisection

Additional photos of the family and general randomness on Facebook:
2011-08 Camping Trip - Central Oregon Bisection - Family

Here is a slideshow of what has been uploaded, so far, to Picasa:

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