Wednesday, August 20, 2014

NaNoWriMo 2013 & 2014

nanomofo nanowrimo-fail

Last November and next November are a long way off, and it is a testament to how busy this year has been that I still haven’t posted about my 2013 NaNoWriMo belly flop until now, but I wanted to preserve this piece of joy before taking it down off my blog:

2013 NaNoWriMo

I was going the rebel route and trying to get some work in on my 2012 novel, which still needs to be finished.  Here is the counter for the novel, same now as it was at the end of NaNoWriMo 2013:

2013 nanowrimo total words

I wrote about my goals for 2013 last November, so I won’t go into detail here, but they were not about writing 50,000 words in a month, or even finishing the novel, but they involved getting back in touch with that novel and, mostly, carving out time in my schedule and building routines and habits to work on writing every day.

So what happened? 

Mostly, I realized that I already was writing a book, though a non-fiction one, Recreating the Historic Columbia River Highway, and that my schedule did not allow me time to work on two books at once while trying to raise the boys and start a business and… and… and…  all the things that fill my days.

e854fa10d95117260732b32f829e69dfIn fact, going through that process is one of the things that made me realize that I am writing a book on the HCRH.

Sure, I had a book as a part of the overall general plan with that project, but it wasn’t until last November that that piece started to feel real to me.  Until then, my focus was on the movie, and research to support the movie.

So where am I now with these projects?

With the novel, it is pretty much written in my head, so to finish the rough draft it is really just pounding out the details and dialog into the computer.

However, people change over time and the stories we want to tell changes with us.  While I still love that story and am dying to get it out into the world, the way I want to tell it has changed a bit, so I after finishing the rough draft, I will be going back and rewriting the whole thing before sharing it.

And when will these drafts be finished?  I have no way of telling, right now.  There are a lot of variables, but I hope to get a draft out to some test readers sometime in the next two years.  Best case scenario, it will be 2015, but considering that the HCRH book is my main priority right now, and that I want to have it on sale by the fall of 2015, 2015 is pretty unlikely for the novel, since I doubt I will have time to write two books at once.

And then there is all the photography and video work to be done…  

And then there are the boys’ tutoring and homework and… 

Oh, bother. 

I can sleep when I am dead!

But I love this stuff, and it will all get done eventually.  Of that, I have little doubt.

Oh, and NaNoWriMo 2014?  Not sure yet.  Maybe.  Probably not.  We’ll see what happens once the boys are back in school.

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